Singing Guide: The New Moon

Singing Guide: The New Moon

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Learning to sing like Jeanette MacDonald in "The New Moon"

Jeanette MacDonald was a famous singer from the early 1900s. Her unique vocal technique and repertoire of songs showcased her incredible singing ability. In this article, we will explore how to learn to sing like Jeanette MacDonald in the 1930 film "The New Moon," and we will illustrate the critical elements of her singing style using relevant Singing Carrots resources.

The most notable vocal technique that Jeanette MacDonald used in "The New Moon" was her use of vibrato. Vibrato is a technique that is used to add warmth and character to a singer's voice. If you would like to learn about singing with vibrato, you can watch this video by Singing Carrots.

Another critical technique that Jeanette MacDonald used was her ability to control her breath. When singing long notes, it is essential to have proper breathing techniques to sustain the pitch. You can learn about breathing techniques by watching this video by Singing Carrots.

In "The New Moon," Jeanette MacDonald showcases her powerful chest voice. To learn how to use your chest voice correctly, you can watch this video by Singing Carrots.

Another important aspect of singing like Jeanette MacDonald is learning proper articulation and controlling nasality. You can learn about both of these vocal techniques by watching these Singing Carrots videos and these Singing Carrots videos.

Finally, Jeanette MacDonald's song selection is vital to her unique vocal style. To find songs that match your vocal range, genre preference, and difficulty, use the Singing Carrots song search tool. You can also use Singing Carrots' vocal range test to help you determine what songs may be appropriate for your voice.

Overall, learning to sing like Jeanette MacDonald takes time and dedication. Use these Singing Carrots resources to help guide your progress. Remember to focus on proper breathing, vibrato, chest voice, articulation, and song selection. With practice, you can achieve a vocal style that is unique to you.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.